Japanese guests visited the RSSC
On May 31, the General Director of the Japanese company “ALL CO” LTD Kuniyoshi Takada and NHK World Television (Nippon Hoso Kyokai) employee Kenji Akasabi met with the General Director of the Republican Seismic Survey Center of ANAS, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Gurban Yetirmishli.
At the meeting, the Japanese guests stated that they were interested in the mud volcanoes located in Azerbaijan, and they intended to make a film about them.
Corresponding Member of ANAS Gurban Yetirmishli provided guests with detailed information about the seismic monitoring network of mud volcanoes of the Center and the research currently being carried out. General Director Gurban Yetirmishli said that for the first time in the world, 12 seismic stations were installed around mud volcanoes on the Absheron Peninsula in order to monitor mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan through seismic stations.
The General Director noted that Azerbaijan is home to mud volcanoes. There are more than 2,000 volcanoes in the world, about 300 of which are located in Azerbaijan. Corresponding Member of ANAS recalled that the head of the department of “Mud volcanism” of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Ministry of Science and Education, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor Adil Aliyev has been studying mud volcanoes together with the RSSC for many years, and proposed to involve also employees of the department of Mud Volcanism in the filming.
Next, the guests were given a presentation about the activities carried out at the Center. The head of the department “Dynamics of Earthquake Sources” of the RSSC, PhD in the field of geology and mineralogy, associate professor Sabina Kazimova spoke about the complex seismological and geophysical studies carried out at the Center and the results obtained, information about the morphological, isotope-chemical characteristics, conditions of formation and classification of mud volcanoes of our country. The mud volcano and its beneficial properties are also covered.
At the meeting, the guests were presented with gifts and a memorable photo was taken.
It is worth noting that the film being shot is intended to be shown in higher and educational institutions in Japan.