Republican Seismic Survey Center of the
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Republican Seismic Survey
Center of ANAS

Gurban Jalal oglu Yetirmishli was born on September 4, 1952 in the city of Marneuli, Republic of Georgia. In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Geology of the Azerbaijan State University (BSU).

From 1980-2008 he was the Deputy General Director of the RSSC ANAS. Since 2008 he is the General Director of the Republican Seismic Survey Center.

Doctor of Philosophy in Geology and Mineralogy, Professor. In 2014 he was elected a corresponding member of ANAS. In 2015, by decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was awarded the title of "Honored Scientists" (No.1509).

In 2018, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was awarded the academic title of Professor.

G.J.Yetirmishli conducted a number of scientific and theoretical works on the assessment and prospects of oil and gas potential of deep reservoirs in areas with complex geodynamic and seismic conditions (The Lower Kura basin), is the author of 246 scientific articles (of which 115 were published in foreign prestigious scientific journals) and 5 monographs.

In 2000 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Distribution of oil and gas fields in the seismo-geodynamic conditions of the Lower Kura Depression".

In 2010, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Seismicity of the South Caspian Depression” (Azerbaijan sector) and received the degree of Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy.

He made an exceptional contribution to the expansion of the network of telemetry seismic stations of the Republican Seismic Survey Center of ANAS, as well as to providing the Center with programs in accordance with international standards and raising the quality of work to the highest level. On the initiative of G.J.Yetirmishli, the RSSC of ANAS began cooperation with the world's leading seismic organizations and developed countries.Under his organization and leadership, the Seismic Monitoring Center was established in Azerbaijan, and for the first time in the world in Azerbaijan, the dynamics of mud volcanoes was studied by seismic stations.

Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal "Seismoprognosis Observations in the Territory of Azerbaijan".

Co-author of the book (volume of Geophysics), is the author of the books "Consideration of the zoning method of stress-strain factors in the territory of Azerbaijan" and "Perceptible earthquakes of Azerbaijan for the period 2003-2018."

G.J.Yetirmishli made a great contribution to the training of highly qualified scientific personnel. Under his leadership, three Doctors of Philosophy and two Doctors of Sciences were trained. He is currently the supervisor of six Ph.D. candidates and seven doctors of sciences candidates. He is the chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the RSSC.

Membership in republican, international and foreign scientific organizations:

1. Chairman of the Association of Seismologists of Azerbaijan.

2. Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS.

3. Member of the Academic Council of the Department of Earth Sciences of ANAS.

4. Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the RSSC ANAS.

5. AGU - member of the American Geophysical Union

6. ORFEUS - member of the Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology

7. IRIS - honorary member of the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology

8. EMSC - member of the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center

9. ESC - full member of the European Seismological Commission

10. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

11.Member of the Association of the International Academy of Sciences (Belarus).

Other activities:

1. Member of the editorial board of the journal "Heberler" (series of Earth sciences) of ANAS

2. "Map of epicenters of strong earthquakes in the territory of Azerbaijan (427-2018)" - editor.

3. "Map of pleistoseist zones of strong earthquakes on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan" - editor.

4. "Map of possible strong earthquakes on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan" - editor.

5. Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Seismoprognosis Observations in the Territory of Azerbaijan".

6. Member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal of the Orenburg Scientific Center of the Ural Branch RAS "Bulletin of the Orenburg Scientific Center of the Ural Branch RAS".

7. Member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal "Geology and Geophysics of the South of Russia".

8. Member of the editorial board of the Scientific journal "Earthquakes of Northern Eurasia".

9. Member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal "Russian Seismological Journal".

10. Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal of Turkey Earthquake Research Journal, the official publication of the  Department of Earthquakes of the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey (AFAD).

11. Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Problems of Seismology" of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.

Awards and honors:

In 2003, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary, was awarded the "Certificate of Honor" by the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

In 2005, by order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was awarded the Tereggi medal (No. 000752).

In 2009, for loyalty to the political course, charitable traditions of the Nationwide Leader Heydar Aliyev, for cooperation with the media (mass media) he was awarded the "Honorary Diploma of Media".

In 2014, by the Commission of the European Publishing House was awarded the gold medal "The Best Research Scientist, Patriot".

In 2015, by decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist. (#1509)

In 2015 by the European Publishing House he was awarded the gold medal "Scientist-Patriot of the Year".

In 2017, by the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, he was awarded the “Vernadsky” medal.

In 2020, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Baku State University (1919-2019), he was awarded the "Jubilee Medal".


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