Scientific journal "Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan"
The scientific journal “Seismoprognosis observations in the territory of Azerbaijan” summarizes the annual results of the work of the Republican Seismic Survey Center of ANAS in the field of seismology and earthquake prediction in the territory of Azerbaijan.
The journal is intended for seismologists, geophysicists and geochemists of scientific and industrial organizations dealing with seismology, earthquake prediction, seismic zoning and earthquake-resistant construction.
The journal publishes scientific articles by national and foreign scientists working in the field of seismology.
The journal is officially registered by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The journal is published twice a year in English.
Readers can view articles by our employees which are published in other scientific journals at the link below:
Terms of acceptance of articles
Fonts for Article Text
The text of submitted articles is typed on a computer using Microsoft Word 2007 (doc.; docx.) or PDF (.pdf) - new versions of both programs.
Text Fonts:
Azerbaijan Language - Times New Roman
English Language - Times New Roman
Russian Language - Times New Roman
Page Format
The page size should be A-4 format (21.0 x 29.7 cm). The writing page retains 3 cm from the left side of the page, 1.5 cm from the right side, and 2 cm from the top and bottom of the page.
Title of the article
Submitted articles must not be published elsewhere. The title of the article is written in bold and in capital letters of the corresponding alphabet (font size 12pt, line spacing - one spacing), located symmetrically relative to the middle part of the page. The volume of articles is 8-12 pages.
Name, patronymic and surname of the author(s)
The full name of the author(s), patronymic and surname are written in short bold type (12pt, single-spaced) 1 line spacing after the title of the article. The name of the organization and the email address are written below, observing 2 intervals.
Name and address of the organization where the author(s) works
The name and address of the organization where the author(s) works are written in italics (12pt, single spaced) and placed symmetrically in the center of the page, keeping 1 empty line under the name, patronymic and surname of the author(s). If the authors of the article work in different organizations, the address of each of them should be indicated, and the address of each author's organization should be numbered in Arabic numerals. The abstract of the article is given one line after the address(es).
A summary of the article is given (in the language in which it is written, not including the word "abstract", in 12pt). Distance between lines - 1 interval. Abstracts should contain 50-150 words. Each author must submit an abstract of his article in three languages - Azerbaijani, Russian and English (national scientists), in two languages - Russian and English (foreign scientists).
Content preparation
The first line of all paragraphs begins with a 1 cm indent from the left edge of the written column. The distance between the lines of the text of the article should be 1.5 intervals. Font size 14 pt. When typing text, the ENTER key should not be pressed until the end of the paragraph. The article can be submitted in Azerbaijani, Russian and English.
In the text of a literary reference, the author's surname and year of publication should be indicated in brackets, for example: (Rzayev, 1980).
Figures, tables, and formulas
Each of the images (map, diagram, schemes, etc.) in the article is provided as a single object (artificial combination of individual images is not allowed), regardless of the program in which they were created, or as JPEG files (*- jpeg,*.jpeg). Figure caption, symbols, explanations and other comments should be typed in bold 12 pt. Tables must be consecutively numbered. All images in articles should be of the same standard.
The number and title of the table is given above it in bold font size 12 pt.
To write formulas, use the Microsoft equation editor 2 or 3.
The list of references is given at the end of the article in alphabetical order: author, year of publication, article title, place of publication.
Note: articles submitted for publication in the journal are first sent for review to the Editorial Board, after which the reviewed articles are published.