Republican Seismic Survey Center of the
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Republican Seismic Survey
Center of ANAS

Scientific and Technical Council of RSSC held a meeting

4 December 2023
Scientific and Technical Council of RSSC held a meeting

On December 4, a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council was held at the Republican Seismic Survey Center of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The meeting was attended by the leadership of the RSSC, members of the Scientific and Technical Council, the heads of the relevant departments of the Center. The leaders and employees of the seismic stations of the Center operating in different regions of the country joined the Zoom platform. The event was submitted by reports of scientific and industrial work, carried out in 2023 in the relevant departments of the RSSC. The General Director of the RSSC, corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Gurban Yetirmishli announced the agenda.

Further, the reports were made by the head of the Earth Research Bureau, the Doctor of  Philosophy of the Earth Sciences Saida Ismayilova - “Features of the seismicity of Azerbaijan and the surrounding regions”, the head of the department of “Dynamics of Earthquake Sources”, Doctor of Philosophy  Geology-Mineralogy, Associate Professor Sabina Kazimova - “On the Study of Earthquakes, Monitoring mud volcanoes and the activities of the International Seismotomographic Laboratory”, head of the Geodynamics department, Doctor of Philosophy of Geology-Mineralogy, Associate Professor Ilyas Kazimov “Geodynamics of Azerbaijan based on GPS data”, head of the Macroseismic Research department, Doctor of Philosophy of Geology-Mineralogy, Associate Professor Eytibar Garaveliyev - "Macroseismic and epicentral research", Lala Fattakhova, acting head of the department of “Engineering geology and seismic microzoning” made a report on engineering and seismological research conducted in 2023, acting head of the “Magnetometric research” Nadirshakh Khanbabayev- “Magnetometric studies”, head of the Gravimetry department Elchin Baghirov - “Gravimetric research”, senior researcher at the Complex Geochemical Research department Aybeniz Keramova - “Complex geochemical research”, head of the International Relations department Telman Djafarov spoke about the work in the field of international relations, and the head of the “Electronic services” department of Vusala Rafiggizi said on the department of electronic services, cooperation with the media and work with the documents of the Center. Also, the head of the Education department, Gulnara Alkhanova, spoke about the courses in the specialty and foreign languages held at the Center to increase the professionalism of young personnel in the field of education. The chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists, Afag Samedzade, spoke about the work of the Council during the year.

The STC meeting was also performed by the head of the Macroseismic Research department, Doctor of Philosophy of Geology-Mineralogy, Associate Professor Eytibar Garaveliyev and spoke about the important results obtained in the field of scientific and organizational activity of the Center (authors: Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor G.J.Yetirmishli, Professor, ph.d.g.m., Associate Professor Eytibar Garaveliyev, N.B.Khanbabaev, E.M.Baghirov, T.I.Djafarov).

Answers on questions were given to the participants of the meeting.

As a result, partially amended the list of members of the Scientific and Technical Council. Members of the Scientific and Technical Council of the RSSC were elected Deputy General Director of the RSSC for Innovation Projects, Doctor of Political Sciences of Fataly Abdullayev, Head of the Department of the Institute of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Azerbaijan Republic, Professor Galib Efendiyev and the head of the Seismology and Physics of the Earth BSU, Ph.D. in Geology-Mineralogy, Associate Professor Avaz Mammadov.

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