Regular discussions were held between Oxford University and RSSC
On April 30, the Republican Seismic Survey Center of ANAS and the Oxford University of Great Britain continued the discussion of "Joint research of active tectonics and earthquakes in Azerbaijan and the South Caspian."
In online discussions on the Zoom platform, Azerbaijan was represented by the head of the department “Dynamics of earthquake sources” RSSC, doctor of philosophy in geology and mineralogy, associate professor Sabina Kazimova and leading researcher of the department of “Modern geodynamics and space geodesy” of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics Rafig Safarov, as well as Ian Pearce and Tamara King, Ph.D. in the Geosciences Division of the University of Oxford.
The representative of both sides - corresponding member of Oxford University and the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Professor Rashid Djavanshir, moderated the meeting.
During the discussions, issues on areas of cooperation were routinely considered and proposals for the exchange of experience were made.
Information Department of RSSC ANAS