General director of the RSSC was elected a member of the editorial board of Russia
General director of the Republican Seismic Survey Center of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Gurban Yetirmishli was elected to the editorial board of the scientific Russian seismological journal of the Geophysical Survey of the Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In this
connection, the Director of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Yuri Vinogradov, sent a letter to the RSSC. It should be noted that the new journal will
publish articles on scientific researches in seismology
and geophysics.
Earlier, G.Yetirmishli was elected a member of the editorial board ofthe scientific journal «Earthquakes of Northern Eurasia» of the Geophysical Surveyof the Russian Academy of Sciences, aswellas a member of the editorial board oftheelectronic versionofthe scientific publication Bulletin of the Ural Branchof the Orenburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Information Department of RSSC ANAS